Chasing Inspiration

Chasing Inspiration


QKNVDENHQPWriting and I have always had one of those “when it’s good it’s great, but when it’s bad it’s non-existent” types of relationships. After a pretty solid binge of awesome the last two or three months I find myself struggling to remember what it is like to have the motivation to sit down and let the words flow. This is nothing new. In many ways I have come to expect it. Something is different this time, though. I have been struck with a fierce determination to chase inspiration rather than sit back and wait for it to me. Continue reading

A Good Ol’ Fashion Sweat Fest

A Good Ol’ Fashion Sweat Fest

There’s a lot of science out there touting the stellar benefits to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). While science may be correct, it can really suck. When you’re out of shape, like me, most exercise sucks at the beginning. So if I am going to be sucking wind like a west coast asthmatic climbing stairs in Denver I prefer to do it with a good ol’ fashion sweat fest.

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Trail Run of Death: A Beating by Mother Nature

Trail Run of Death: A Beating by Mother Nature

I write to you, dear reader, with trembling arms and the knowledge that I’m going to wake tomorrow feeling like someone took my body and twisted into a mini pretzel. Why? Because I decided I needed to get back to working out after a month-long gym hiatus. Despite the obvious reasons for wanting to work out and be in a shape other than round, the story I am about to tell you served as the real kick in the pants I needed to get back on the horse. Continue reading