Connor Griffin Writes: A New Chapter

Connor Griffin Writes: A New Chapter

Hi everyone,

Buckle up! There’s some big news ahead.

Writing the end of a story is always harder when you didn’t have it planned from the start.  So is the case with Wanna-Be Writer. When I started this blog nearly five years ago I had absolutely no idea what would become of it. Over the course of that period this blog has been a great many things and endured a number of make-overs. Wanna-Be Writer was my first true foray into the world of blogging. It also served as a vital part of my growth as a writer in general. For that it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Those of you who subscribe to Wanna-Be Writer have most likely noticed that I have taken an unexpected an rather extended sabbatical from my posting duties here. The domain has expired and inexplicably did the design I had crafted for this site.

During my absence I have been quietly tinkering on what I hope to be the next big chapter in my writing life: a project I’ve decided to call Connor Griffin Writes.



If you click the link above it will take you directly to a welcoming post explaining a little bit more about CGW and the thinking behind it. I hope that my subscribers here won’t mind that I’ve taken the liberty of automatically migrating your subscription over to CGW. This ensures that my new (and more frequent) posts continue to appear in your WordPress reader.  CGW is self-hosted, which means it is not technically a part of the network. Your day-to-day interaction with the site, however, should not be affected by that in the least.

I’d just like to take another second to thank you, the readers, for all of the wonderful support you’ve shown me over the years here. Writing posts for Wanna-Be Writer showed me just how much better writing is when there is an audience ready to read the end product. I hope that most of you will continue to interact with me over Connor Griffin Writes.

This will be my last post for Wanna-Be Writer. I won’t be taking it down because it seems like a crime to erase anything from the internet these days, but I won’t be maintaining or checking on it either.

Until next time,


Chasing Inspiration

Chasing Inspiration


QKNVDENHQPWriting and I have always had one of those “when it’s good it’s great, but when it’s bad it’s non-existent” types of relationships. After a pretty solid binge of awesome the last two or three months I find myself struggling to remember what it is like to have the motivation to sit down and let the words flow. This is nothing new. In many ways I have come to expect it. Something is different this time, though. I have been struck with a fierce determination to chase inspiration rather than sit back and wait for it to me. Continue reading

Global Warming is Soooo Hot Right Now

Global Warming is Soooo Hot Right Now


Another record-setting heat wave is hitting my beloved Pacific Northwest and it’s earlier than ever. Even with my champ of an AC unit pumping full blast 24/7, the temp in my 4th floor apartment did not drop below 83 degrees yesterday. I cannot begin to imagine what the 90+ degree weather would have done to my oven of an apartment Continue reading